Monday, May 9, 2011

Charleston to Georgetown to Myrtle Beach

I have been pushing real hard and am dog tired so this will be a short posting. I took a few pics but am too tired to fix them up and add them so I'll add them later when I'm more awake.

I left Charleston at first light and made 60+ miles to Georgetown, SC. George town is a really cool little town that has renovated their downtown into a beautiful waterfront walk that includes many little shops and restaurants. It is worthy of a stop by anyone who is in the area. They even have their own museum on the main drag.

I left at first light again and headed for Myrtle Beach. Lots of golf courses along the ICW and many upscale homes and "starter mansions". What was interesting though was the beautiful forests that lined the ICW. The tall trees came right up to waters edge unlike the marshes that I have been going through. This reminded me of the Boundary Waters in appearances except for the moss hanging from most of the trees. I am definitely out of palm tree country.


  1. Sounds like a trip that we should plan for our traveling group. Being a History Minor I would love to see the sites you are seeing. I don't supose they have any water taxi's along that section? Remember this is a fun trip don't push yourself too hard.


  2. I think this would be a great trip for our little group. I have not seen any water taxis but have seen a number of small cruise ships (like 200 ft) on the ICW (some of them have the word "casino" on them). I think Joanie would love the ICW with it's marshes and wild life. One of them docks at the Charleston City Marina.

    By the way, if you want to see someone who pushes himself, look in a mirror ;>)

  3. You must be busy on the boat. I went to the cities for meetings Wednesday at Bell; we also did some new product tests that day. We had comptroller here from Canada Tuesday Wednesday, and Thursday.
    Had production meetings Thursday morning then went to planning commission hearing at 11:30 to present plans for new garage at the lake house and get variance for side yard restrictions (they approved it now city council has to vote on it.) We had sales meeting with new sales manager and the people here from Bell. Friday we had sawdust problem due to a cancelled order so I got a hold of 4-h people and gave them three loads of sawdust if they would take delivery today. They took it. Went to Rotary meeting then went up and took my motor cycle permit test and passed. Got the lawn mowed and went to the play last night with Lioba.
    I looked in the Mirror. After we get the house sold I think I should slow down a little. We are taking the grand kids to science museum and the children’s theater tomorrow So I will have Sunday to catch up on some projects at home.


  4. Wow! You are one busy guy but you lost me after you mowed the lawn. Then you played with Lioba? Could you expand on the details? :>)
