Thursday, June 2, 2011

Deltaville VA

We sailed from Little Creek to Deltaville VA on Wednesday. I had chosen Deltaville Marina ahead of time because I knew I needed a shower since there was none at Little Creek. Neil is with me now and it is great having someone to talk to. It was dead calm for the first few hours an then the wind came up out of the south east. We had put up the main sail early on just to dampen the roll of Summer Snow when power boats came cruising by so all we had to do is pull out the jib to be wing-on-wing sailing. Wing-on-wing is a real cool way to set your sails when sailing dead down wind. You have the main sail on one side and the jib on the other side so you expose the maximum sail area to the wind. It works great but you must be very careful to keep the main boom from hitting you if it suddenly reversed sides (unintentional jibe). A safety precaution for this is called a "preventer" which is a secure line that keeps the boom on a particular side of the boat.

The wind continued to build along with our speed so we made good time and didn't have to listen to the diesel all day. We turned in toward Deltaville and so changed our sails to a "broad reach" setting and picked up speed again. The seas were running about 2 to 3 ft. so we had "green" water running down both sides of the deck, what fun!

We grilled brats for supper and had a great evening solving the problems of the world. The alarm on my phone went off at 6 AM but we had to wait until 8 for the office to open so we could get some ice and pay our marina bill. Nevertheless we were on the water at 8:30 heading north. Unfortunately the wind piped up out of the North so it was right in our teeth blowing at 15 knots with gusts to 25. I did the math and realized that it would be 16 to 20 hours to our chosen destination so I decided to head back to Deltaville. So here we are waiting for weather and chatting with the locals. The picture I have added is of the tornado damage that happened a couple of months ago. The damaged building is the Baptist Church.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you and Bev had a wonderful time. The food sounds great and the sightseeing must have been fun with you and Bev being able to do it together. Lioba had her last day of school Friday. I have been off work for three days to try to get some of the work done on the acreage to get it ready to sell. Lioba isn’t sure she wants to sell now because the grandkids have so much fun out here, Grant and Jackson are learning how to shoot B-BG guns now. The place is just too big; if we want to travel for more than three days we would have to hire a lawn service to mow. I have been mowing every three days with the rain and sunshine this spring. I got bursitis in my left hip and had to get cortisone shot so that slowed down some of the work Still walking with a cane if I have to walk very far. I need to get back to work so I can rest up a little bit. Hope ypu and Neil have a safe trip. Looking forward to reading about it.
