Sunday, June 5, 2011

Solomons Island Maryland

This is Point No Point Lighthouse which is just off Point No Point Maryland. They must have a great sense of humor.

We motor sailed all day to get to get to Calvert Marina near Solomons Island Maryland. Solomons Island is a very popular sailing port and is very close to Washington DC, in fact they say that many of the boats and condos are owned by persons working in DC and they commute to Washington. It was fairly easy getting into the marina but we found the old fixed docks rather "rustic".

We had a very nice supper at "The Back Creek Bistro" and then went back in the morning for the breakfast buffet. While having our breakfast we chatted with a couple that had noticed we were seated at the very same tables as last night. They asked about our trip and then gave us a very good tip on a restaurant to try as we go through their hometown in New York. One again I have found that one of the best parts of boating is the people you meet along the way.

We will spend another day here in Solomon and sail tomorrow to Annapolis. The last picture is of a ship we passed as we were entering Solomons Island Harbor.


  1. You are really making good progress!

  2. I'll try again. what will keep you so busy that you couldn't write a bood about your trip? Of coure I've followed your blog so that would be one less sale.

  3. We are making good progress Brianna and the East Coast is really interesting. I really enjoy the Revolutionary War and Civil War history. Thank you for the comment.

  4. Well, I doubt I can use the "too busy" excuse for not writing more and Bev has also mentioned the same thing. Perhaps I can put a different spin on my experiences so it stands out from all the other guide books. Maybe an "ICW for Dummies" book.
