Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Thought For Today

From a sign at an anchorage on the Baja Peninsula

Now is all the time you own
And no man knows the hour
Just when the clock of life will stop
At late or early hour
The future's just a dream of hope
The past a distant link
Go cruising now my brother
It's later than you think

Author Unknown


  1. Good verse too bad you have to get to be our ages to trueley understand it, but then again if we all lived that way from day one who would do the work.

  2. That's a good point but I see it as going beyond the work world. To me it's living an authentic life which may mean fulfilling a dream and/or living an adventure. Work may be a necessary part of that.

  3. Your right about the larger picture, Faye at work said she saw the same verse at sturgis with crusing meaning Bike ride.
