Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Summer Snow is ready

Sailboat Summer Snow is ready to sail. You should understand that I did not shine and hide things like getting ready for a boat show. Instead this is how the boat looks as we wait for a weather window to cross to the Bahamas.

Catalina 30s are fun to sail. I believe it matches my sailing style and abilities. Boats do not grow in linear fashion but rather the cubic volume doubles for every 5 ft of length. Thus a 35 ft sailboat would be a very different sailing experience.

Larger volume means larger sails, more weight, and bigger lines. Bigger sails and bigger anchors requires either a stronger sailor and/or power winches or at least using winches more. I can raise Summer Snow's sails with no winch and raising the anchor is not a big deal. To each their own but I guess I'm liking simple when it comes to sailing.

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  1. You have an icebox? Really? I must have missed the part about the large shower and jacuzzi.

    thanks for the tour!


  2. I was going to put a jacuzzi in the basement but found it rather wet down there ;>)

  3. "raising the anchor is not a big deal." - I notice you write this during a time when you had two sons visiting and an athletic sister-in-law. Hum???
