I went for a walk this morning and took a picture of the anchorage (I am looking east in this photo). Summer Snow is near the center of this photo. Anchoring is free here but there are limited facilities. There is an "unofficial" dinghy landing which is very convenient to the mall which has a Publix supermarket, restaurants, many small shops, and a Starbucks. Restrooms and showers are not available. There is a marina down a ways that has a dinghy dock and for $186/month will let you use showers and restrooms. Unfortunately the anchorages near that marina are bumpy and noisy. So I shower on the boat and use my own restroom, no problem.
I was visiting with my neighbor from Texas (26 ft. O'Day) this morning and he has been crossing to the Bahamas for the last 8 years. He is not impressed with south Florida and can't wait to get over to Bahama. He thinks they are friendlier, politer, and much less a "consumer culture". They have better facilities for boaters and many activities for cruising sailors. He feels as though the Floridians would rather you just mailed them your money and then stayed home. Well, everyone has an opinion. The Floridians I have met seem friendly and helpful (with the possible exception of the power boaters that come screaming through the anchorage but then they are just power boaters and probably don't know any better).
How old of a guy is your neighbor? Also, when does he plan on heading over?
He is about my age and he left on Monday. He left with a NE wind, go figure?