Sunday, May 25, 2014

Just Doing "At the Lake" Stuff

Today was a relaxing and fun day. We went to the coffee shop and had scones and coffee (Bev had a Skinny, Sugar Free, Vanilla, Decaf Latte). Then back to Summer Snow for breakfast before going to Bayfield to shop and just mess around. The photos are of little icebergs that just floated in through the harbor with Bev and myself and then Jessica and Patrick. There is lots of ice out on the lake in big chunks just floating around.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Not All Work

Getting ready to sail isn’t all work. We played golf on Thursday and Saturday at Apostle Highlands Golf Course which is a very nice golf course that overlooks Madeline Island. The views are spectacular, particularly with the all the ice floating in the water surrounding the islands.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Putting In

Before having Summer Snow put into the water I had the major task of polishing the “top sides” which is defined as the part of the hull between the waterline and the deck. Last year I had it done by the marina but this year I wanted to do it myself. It’s kind of like washing and polishing your car, that’s when you find all the scratches and dings and that’s what I wanted to do, find the problem spots so I could do the appropriate repairs. I used Turtle Wax and applied it by hand for very satisfying results.

 I decided that the bottom paint was OK for another year. It sure pays to buy good quality bottom paint although the fresh water of Lake Superior is quite friendly to the bottom of any boat. The ablative type bottom paint has to be renewed every few years but the “good stuff” I used before going to the Bahamas has lasted 3 years, going on 4. Boats that stay in the water all summer need bottom protection or they get a thick growth that slows you down although we don’t have the barnacle problem they have in saltwater.

These photos show Summer Snow being transported and then put into the “well”. Then I started the motor and motored over to our traditional slip. It is sweet to be back in the water! Now the interior cleaning begins in earnest. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The 2014 Sailing Season Is Here

The 2014 sailing season is here so I loaded up my pickup and headed for Cornucopia. My goal is to get the boat livable for Memorial Day. Bev will come up with Patrick and Jessica Friday night. This is what I found on my drive by Lake Superior; ice and lots of it. Many of the bays are full of floating chunks of ice and the ice flows in and out depending on the wind. Well, the marina is clear so I can still get the boat in but sailing is not likely for a while.